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Mountain pass information

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* As the snowy season varies by year, seasonal data in the tables are only for reference.

"Length of mountain pass" means the length between sites for mounting tire chains (or gates) on each side of a pass.

* Please use the information on this page only for reference, and be careful when traveling over moutain passes.
note Reference:This page was made with reference to Roads in Hokkaido Handbook 2001, in addition to originally collected data.

*Inaho Pass
Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 5 Southern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.5m 100m 6.0% Kyouwa-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Niki-cho side (there is a tire
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
6.3 km / 266m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(稲穂峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 37 Southern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.5m 60m 6.2% Oshamanbe-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Toyoura-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
18.0 km / 238m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(静狩峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 38 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5〜13.0m 90m 5.3% MinamiFurano-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Shintoku-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
21.0 km / 644m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(狩勝峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 39 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.5m 50m 6.6% Kamikawa-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Rubeshibe-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
24.5 km / 1,050m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(石北峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 40 Northern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
7.0m 450m 3.9% Pippu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Wassamu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
9.2 km / 263m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 227 Southern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.5m 120m 6.0% Ohno-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Assabu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
16.0 km / 353m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(中山峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 230 Central Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.5m 100m 6.0% Sapporo-City side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - KImobetsu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
28.8 km / 835m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(中山峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 236 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5〜6.5m 70m 6.0% Hiroo-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Urakawa-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
21.4 km / 585m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 237 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 68m 6.0% MinamiFurano-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Simukappu-Vill side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
7.5 km / 517m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 237 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 160m 6.0% Shimukappu-vill side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Hidaka-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
6.9 km / 495m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 239 Northern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5m 250m 5.2% Shibetsu-City side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Horokanai-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
4.9 km / 267m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 239 Northern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 100m 6.0% Horokanai-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Tomamae-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
29.6 km / 387m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 240 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.5m 150m 5.6% Akan-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Tsubetsu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
10.9 km / 594m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 243 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 50m 6.0% Bihoro-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Teshikaga-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
19.5 km / 493m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(美幌峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 244 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 60m 6.0% Shari-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Shibetsu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
21.7 km / 487m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 273 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 120m 5.5% Kamikawa-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Takinoue-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
19.7 km / 700m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 273 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0〜6.5m 90m 5.9% Kamikawa-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Kamishihoro-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
18.9 km / 1,139m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(三国峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 274 Eastern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5〜6.5m 50m 6.2% Hidaka-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Shimizu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
33.5 km / 1,022m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(日勝峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 275 Northern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 150m 6.0% Horokanai-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Bifuka-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
8.2 km / 443m

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 276 Central Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 120m 6.0% Ohotaki-vill side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Chirose-city side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
9.7 km / 565m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(美笛峠)

Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 277 Southern Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5m 25m 11.1% Yagumo-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Kumaishi-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
10.0 km / 427m

*Kitami Pass
Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 333 East Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5m 30m 6.0% Kamikawa-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Shirataki-vill side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
14.8 km / 857m
Weather at the moutain pass Japan Weather Association(北見峠)

*Shiretoko Pass
Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 334 East Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5m 35m 7.8% Rausu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Shari-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
23.7 km / 738m

*Nogami Pass
Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 391 East Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
6.0m 60m 6.0% Teshikaga-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Koshimizu-cho side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
12.1 km / 320m

*Kenashi Pass
Highway Map Snowy season
General highway 393 Center Hokkaido
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Road width Minimum curve radius Maximum grade Sites for tire chain mounting
5.5m 30m 9.7% Otaru-city Okuzawa side (there is a tire chain mounting site between Shizukari Pass and Rebunge Pass) - Otaru-city Tokiwa side (there is a tire chain mounting site)
Length of the mountain pass/Elevation Road images More details/other links
20.7 km / 658m

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